Submission Instructions

Format description of papers

Submitted papers must have been neither previously accepted for publication nor concurrently submitted for review in another journal, book, conference, or workshop.All papers are submitted online. When submitting papers, it is required to choose the topic. Apart from the conference report, the branch theme report and the invitation report,  the collected papers will be mainly divided into oral report and wall paper presentation (the intention of the contributors is put forward at the time of submission, and the Organizing Committee of the conference will make overall arrangements according to the situation of submission). Oral reports and wall papers have the same academic status. The Organizing Committee of the conference will decide whether to recruit according to the content and quality of the paper. In order to encourage participants to actively communicate with wall newspapers, certificates and bonuses will be awarded to outstanding wall paper authors.

Writing Format

Please write in Chinese or English, no more than two pages. The abstract of the conference paper needs to highlight the innovation of the work, the text is concise, and the language is accurate. The abstract of the paper should be edited in strict accordance with the following format.→Download Paper Template”

· Use the 12 Times New Roman font for the title (all English fonts and Arabic numerals in the text use this font)

· Separate multiple authors with commas(in the middle, the correspondent writers typed "*" in the upper right corner of the author, the name of the reporter was underlined), single line spacing, 0.5 lines (or 8 pounds) in front of the paragraph.

· A4 paper with 2.5 cm margin on all sides and single line spacing.

· Measuring units adopt International System of Unit.

· Notes under illustrations(The picture shows Chinese and English contrast, Chinese uses Fangsong Ti No. 5, English uses No. 8)and single line spacing. 0.5 lines or 8 pounds after the last paragraph.

·Arranging references using sequential coding and Writing format is as follows:

Writing Format: Author, Title [M]. Version. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication: Starting Page Number.

Journal Format: Author, Title, Year, Volume (Issue): Starting Page Number.

· Other unspecified regular publishing requirements.